Our Lady of Peace Parish Welcomes You

Welcome to our parish website.
My name is Father Stephen Bill and I invite you to review each page of our website. The website is full of information. Please never hesitate to call the parish if you have questions regarding any of our Liturgical Celebrations at the parish, sacraments, clubs & activities the parish supports for the community. If you are new, please call or drop-in and introduce yourself to me; it would be great to get to know you.
Yours In Christ,
Father Stephen Bill
My name is Father Stephen Bill and I invite you to review each page of our website. The website is full of information. Please never hesitate to call the parish if you have questions regarding any of our Liturgical Celebrations at the parish, sacraments, clubs & activities the parish supports for the community. If you are new, please call or drop-in and introduce yourself to me; it would be great to get to know you.
Yours In Christ,
Father Stephen Bill
Weekday Mass
Tuesday - Friday : 9 AM
Adoration : Friday - 8 AM TO 9AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM
Rosary: 30 minutes before weekend Masses
Before and After every Mass
Contact Father Stephen Bill to set up a visit.
Weekday Mass
Tuesday - Friday : 9 AM
Adoration : Friday - 8 AM TO 9AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM
Rosary: 30 minutes before weekend Masses
Before and After every Mass
Contact Father Stephen Bill to set up a visit.